Thursday, September 18, 2008

Internets happen.

Back log : August 22nd (apparently I had a lot on my mind)

What an amazing process!! After 3 weeks of Internet talk - my supervisor comes in the office in the middle of her teachers' training to ask about which Internet I want to use (there are few different servers).  Apparently, the Principal is on the phone with the "Internet people".  Just fifteen minutes later a man appears from the "Internet" company. 

The elastic had worn out on his slender face and the delicate folds of skin gathered around his cheeks and mouth.  They moved with the inertia of his body, smiling then not, looking down at his notepad.  His Hello Kitty tie said it all really.  

He is here to sort it out.  My address and phone number just about does it and he is off to work on setting up my Internet.  As quickly as he shuffled in, he shuffled back out.  I watched as his green plastic visitors slippers (much too small for his extending feet)  slid over the abused parquet office floor.  The sliding doors clammered shut to trap the precious supply of AC.   

Side note : There is no reason to be upset or impatient.  It always comes through.  If impatience has proceeded it has smothered any chance for genuine appreciation.

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