Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Getting ready to leave

Perhaps part of the process for moving to another country is scrutinizing over every lifestyle cliche where you are currently living.  This certainly happened to me and I wrote this poem to express myself :

I am Portland

I live in Portland
I am a girl or boy
I am the only black person in the room
My hispanic friends live in the burbs

My hair hasn't been washed in 2-4 days
I use all natural, organic make-up, face and body wash
I have bangs
I wear skinny jeans
and so do my friends

I tote a yoga mat to my yoga classes
I wear crocks
My diet consists of organic everything

I believe in good :
and I let everyone know it

I loathe plastic grocery bags and anyone else who uses them

I use the same water bottle because plastic is sufficating the environment.

I do my part to save the environment

My look is subtle
and chic
don't forget chic

only people from the suburbs
coordinate, iron or tuck 
their clothing
it is important for them to be noticed

not me

I'm subtle

and chic.

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