Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Frog shit

As soon as I would start to clean it off from one spot on my bed I would find another and another until it was literally everywhere that I looked. It was green - different shades of green and it was mushy - thank god it wasn't hot shit. Just mushy.

It started with a frog jumping in my room and up onto my bed. It was fairly large and upon further inspection I noticed it had a baby frog in its mouth. I was worried at first that it would bite the baby frog or eat it but it didn't so I thought that was just how they were carried around. But then, suddenly a long, hard shelled, glossy spider began to crawl up. It moved with the grace of a walking stick and attached behind it, it drug a scorpions pincher. Naturally I freaked out at the sight - especially because at this point both creatures had now violated that which is sacred -not be touched by insects and the like - MY BED! I flailed momentarily and ran out to get my dad who was preparing to go to bed upstairs. The upstairs hall light was still on. Kara came running out of her upstairs bedroom to see the commotion, my father was second to emerge from his room. Surprisingly the spider creature had followed me without reservation. It was easy for me to justify my panic as I dodged this pet as it moved past me and continued up the stairs. It seemed harmless enough and it was in "Dad's" territory now, nothing he couldn't handle, so I said goodnight and went back to my room. The frog was still there sitting atop my curtain rod watching. The baby frog had escaped its parent's mouth and had jumped down onto my bed. I was fine with it at first because it was an adorable little frog, but then it started to make for my pillow and the exposed sheet area. And before I could fully revolt from the ickiness of frog slime on my pillow, the large frog leaped from the curtain s onto my pillow and bit the baby frog's head off!

I didn't know which to be more horrified about, a frog eating it's child or the disgusting dead frog remnants smeared across what was my safe haven of a pillow. GOD! GROSS! And ickiness swept over me. I lurched for a towel to get that shit off my pillow. Someone had arrived after hearing the commotion and started to help me clean up the gloppy mess. No sooner had I swiped up the first bit of green, grainy, mushy goo, the large frog had plopped itself on another part of my bed - this time leaving a pile of green mushy poop where it had just been. It was a green clay bodied mound just ruining my precious sanctuary and staining my hope for a restful slumber. As I moved to clean up the next pile I noticed another - then another - then another as I pulled my sheets back! Each pile a different shade of green and a different shape. They seemed to appear anywhere my eye could see, literally as if my eyes created them upon looking at my bed. At this point there was more green than white bedding and wave of defeat, ickiness and panic came over me right before I woke up.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Gross and scary. I don't like frogs outside or inside. Have no clue what that one was all about.