Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I made it, now what?

Back log : August 11th 2008

Life is interesting.  I want my friends around.  I realized I have allowed them to participate in defining me as a person.  Today I hung out with D and R and though I was relieved  to be in the presence of familiar faces I realized I was put together with these people (thank goodness we're all on the same wave length) but these are not "my" people, "my" girls, "my" peeps.  Yes, it's great to hang with the dudes but I have also come to learn the importance of female perspective in my life.

Today we adventured over to R's house.  His apartment is small but he is right on the lake.  We swam in the lake for probably a good hour.  The lake was filled with seaweed which constantly tickled my legs and arms.  I tried to not believe it was the loch ness monster.  I often found myself wandering close to the shore where I could stand on the hardened pebbles.  The water temperature was refreshing.  It was a light liquid breeze.  In some areas it was closer to a hot breath but if I pushed to one side it changed back into my cool breeze.  

We took a trip to Imazu afterwards to hit up the Heiwado (Heiwado ga doko desu ka?  <--- Go R!!  He asked 'where is the Heiwado' like he knew Japanese!  ps the Heiwado is sorta like a walmart - like an everything store) As all shopping malls go, I was quickly overwhelmed.  It was worsened by the constant over stimulation of Japan.

There was a wonderful moment when I was watching the most adorable little girl probably 1 or 2 laughing and frolicking around.  As soon as she spotted me (though it was probably Dale) her smile stopped, her eyes widened and she ran behind her father. She was scared of us.  Of us.  I had no idea a white person could cause such fear.  I suppose some black people could empathize.  Why do people fear people because of their ethnicity?  Never mind.

There is a thunder storm outside right now, thank the humidity.

ps...they played Tegan and Sara The Con in the Heiwado!

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